Wednesday, November 14, 2007

my writing skills, or lack thereof

nSo recently some guys from over at Nation Media came over to our school to do some recruitment thingie for us final-years [ya, neglected to mention that, Im a final year! The end is finally in sight, and would you believe Im now dreading it. Must be that whole green grass on the other side thing] Anyways, the recruitment. They surprised us by asking us to write a ka-article describing the presentation they had just made to someone who wasn't there, the dean actually. They also asked as part of their presentation how many people actually already write, for fun. And turns out, I was the only one, courtesy of this blog which till now Id sort of neglected [but of course they didn't really ask for my name or anything, so it's not like I have an unfair advantage over everyone else, which is probably a good thing coz some of my stories tend to be crappy, even for me :) ]. I must have written a killer article, coz I remember leaving the room patting myself on the back, and now Im sitting by the phone waiting for that crucial call. [who am I kidding, guess I'll be really lucky if I get called, it was a REALLY difficult event to describe descriptively like they asked, being that it was mostly a powerpoint presentation and the lessons learned were facts, not opinions]. But still, hope makes people get up every morning, and now it's making me charge my phone every two days because I CANNOT miss that call when it comes. :)


Ok, maybe it's just hard to write when you put yourself under pressure to actually write. Lemme just let myself get into the zone naturally and see what comes out of it. Meanwhile, I saw this quotation somewhere and I think it rules:

Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession... Do that which is assigned to you, and you cannot hope too much or dare too much.
Ralph Waldo Emerson [duh... How many other people actually speak like that!?!]