Saturday, February 02, 2008

assesment of the situation in the country

This was actually written by someone I know, and I thought it was really deep:

There is no hell for a man than the stupidity and wickedness of his own kind -

Marquis Sade

If you ask me who won the December poll, I would probably give you the 'safe' answer: "I am not sure", of course, in lieu of your political affiliation. What I am sure about though, is a simple fact: Kenya deserves better political leadership than is presently available.

There is a moment in the political history of any nation of repute when there arises a burning desire for inspirational leadership. Often, such leadership defines itself in times of great strife: whether political, economic or social.

In 1994, it took the will and resolve of two men to ensure that South Africa charted the way it charts today. There were hardliners on Mandela's side who wanted to see all whites purged. Similarly, hardliners on de Klerk's side wanted nothing but the perpetuation of white supremacy. Of course, the two found middle ground in the best interest of their populace, compromised and brought forth the 'Rainbow Nation'.

The very act of compromise is what makes a man noble.

Today, Obama inspires millions of Americans (and world citizens) across all social, racial and economic spectra. He is their genuine leader. Anyone who listened to Tedd Kennedy's endorsement of Barrack surely must concur. Barrack is hailed as America's spark in the darkness of unnecessary wars, an energy crisis, a polarized social class and an economy tittering on the brink of recession. And rightly so. Obama has been able to nurture a social structure vis-à-vis housing and other amenities in his Illinois state that is unparalleled. In the process fostering a social and racial harmony only Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed about. Now, that is leadership.

If you are to make me join your cause, first make me your friend. - Abraham Lincoln

And that is the nature of inspirational leadership. That one feels closeness almost describable as friendship with a man whom you've never been in any proximity with, but the proximity and in fact concurrence of ideals and a shared vision for the future.

There is none so deaf as those who will not hear; and none so blind as those who will not see. We are what we stand for.

Decades of life on the African continent have brought to Kenya's screens death and destruction in myriads of African states. Mostly, on the basis of tribal differences. Still, Kenya veers ever closer to such a stereotypic and fatal end.

There is an uncanny, almost inane, ability of human beings to discriminate.

That people of one race, one nation and similar socio-economic structure still delve to find cause to turn on each other based on a variable that is out of the control of any human being (tribe) is simply absurd to the logical mind. Still, we live on Earth not Utopia. And thus the place of leadership is defined in any society: Bringing realization to every citizen, of the need to unite for one cause and one cause only: Prosperity; social, economic and political: building on past gains.

Show me a man who will stand up for justice and I will show you a million who yearn for it.

Presently, I believe, this country yearns for a leader who will inspire. Cut across all differences of whatever nature and collate us behind a common vision of unity, justice and good old time prosperity. A leader who will have a vision for this country that spans beyond his pot belly.

Who will rise above his own personal political ambition, and put the immediate interests of the nation before his own? Who will be our spark?

In the midst of such deep tension, neither side of the political divide seems to be intent on reconciling the population. Neither side yielding in its hard-line stance regarding the polls. Neither side rising above partisan politics. Sadly, in this country, we do not have leaders, we only have politicians.

Show me a man who will inspire, and I will show you a million who that inspiration, they desire.

Under English colonialism, Sir William Wallace, formerly a peasant farmer, inspired and rose to unite Scotland and capture the spirit of freedom for Scotland forever. At a time when Scotland lacked a King, he did not seek title. His knighthood bestowed upon him by his peers. To be revered as Scotland's ultimate Patriot for ever.

How will history judge our current generation? How will history judge our current crop of 'leaders?'

At a time when expedition of 'talks' and 'reconciliation' is pegged on our politicians' response to threats of sanctions and freezing of personal finances by the West rather than the ideal of love for one's country, our situation is but aptly described as sorry.

I did not manage for profit, I led for patriotism - John McCain


Anonymous said...

u...made sense? ASTOUNDING!

csmith23 said...

watever, dude. watEVER!!