THIS ONE FOR THE COMP LOVERSSo I finally hit a milestone in my IT life last nite. I managed to install Linux and add my own custom packages to it, all from commandline. This process called compilation, it takes on a whole new meaning for programs that were written in C and C++. When I was compiling said packages, I saw characters displayed on screen I dint even know existed, and needless to say the process took 45(!) minutes [I actually timed it to see] for a less than 10MB program - of course Linux itself had taken an hour and a half just to install. The custom packages I was installing were an mp3 player for Linux [it doesnt inherently come with mp3 support coz someone doesnt have as much dou as Microsoft hence probably wouldnt be able to survive an antitrust lawsuit, so they just support open source file formats like ogg and flac - formats virtually no one, and perhaps three other people, in the world uses(!)] and a video player. One gets the rpm's [for Redhat Package Management - equiv of Windows setup files] from the net - or if you're really geeky you write the program yourself in C, me Im not yet up to that level - then compile, install and run. The moment I started watching the How you remind me video for Nickeback inside Linux, I have seldom felt such sense of achievement. I watched it over and over again just to tell myself it's actually real, coz this is something I've been trying to do since like '02. Ts taken me a while, but Ive arrived bigtime, and Im proud of myself.
Next milestone, connect to a Windows network and subsequently the internet from Linux [commandline, of course - none of that samba crap, {{{my bad}}}, stuff]
3 weeks ago
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