START It's that time of the year once again when school is closed [can I get an Oh yeah!] and I realise that it's what makes up my life, coz I have no clue whatsoever what to do with myself. And this time it's a long one... like Id said before - a whole of four months, maybe even five, and that's on the lower side!! So in order to avoid developing any bad habits[the devil's workshops and idle minds thing] - BTW would you believe so far I have none! I kid you not, my self control is massive I tell you! - I am looking for employment. Also coz "I would like to gain much needed hands-on experience in the fields of commerce and IT, and get exposed to the working world where I can apply concepts learned in class for an all-round aspect..." Syc! That's just what I write on my CV to jazz prospectives, the real reason is I want some quick cash, and past experience has proved that parents are not the way to go for such needs, especially if the reason I need the cash is not so that I can pay my small sis' school fee or buy myself Commerce text books.
Im so hoping I find something here in the big city [the one in the sun, as our govt would have us believe], coz I also want to avoid having to go home. Us people stay so far away from civilisation someone actually described our place as " the back of beyond.." :) Yaani nothing ever happens there plus the only people I could call good friends - people you look forward to seeing again - have since moved out. But on the upside, if Im there I'll be better placed to save up for that comp I want, there's really nothing to spend cash on thosides. A small town "is a place where there's nowhere to go that you shouldn't be going" and that's classic us. But it's all good, life is still sweet. ENDIT
3 weeks ago
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